Chopta - Mini switzerland of Uttrakhand (India)


Chopta Valley

My love for mountains can never end. The more I explore, more it unfolds new pages from its book of secrets. Me and my three friends decided to go on a road trip to a place with not much signs of civilisation. After much research, we came across Chopta. We never heard of it before, but Chopta looked promising to what we had in mind. Chopta is located in Uttrakhand (India) and is situated at distance of about 450kms from New Delhi via Rishikesh. Chopta is also known as Mini Switzerland of India and is a commencement point of the trek to Tungnath & Chandrashila. It is short and easy trek which runs parallel to the sky-scraping Himalayan Treks. During this hiking, one can enjoy clear view of majestic peaks of Panchchuli, Nanda Devi, Nilkanth and Kedarnath.

Everything was set and we were ready to explore the new sides of nature. We left from New Delhi at 12 in the night and since we all were meeting after a very long time, we all had lot of things to make fun of.  Highway, music and fun, we had all.

On the way to Chopta

We crossed Rishikesh and were enjoying the fresh air and beautiful views of the Himalayas and The river Ganges flowing beneath. 

Soon we stopped again, not because of any nature calls, we stopped because of nature disaster. We were looking at the land slide which just happened few hours ago and authorities were trying to clear the debris off the road. They managed to open half the road and were allowing 1 vehicle at a time. That was not the only land slide we experienced. We stopped at atleast 7 places because of the land slides and had to wait.

As we continued we came across Tehri Dam. Tehri dam is one of the highest dams in the world harnessing the waters of two important Himalayan rivers – Bhagirathi and Bhilangana. Phase I of this dam was completed in 2006, while phase II and III are still under construction.   We continued our journey through some land slides, road constructions and experienced  worst ever roads (calling it a road will be an insult) in Augustmuni. "Please do not give up lovely tyres, this shall pass" I chanted in my mind and my friend drove very cautiously. Soon we heard a thud sound as some stone hit our car from beneath. Thankfully, nothing happened and we figuratively kissed the tyres of the car. Finally, after spending 18 hours in our car, we reached Chopta at 6:00 in the evening.


As we stepped outside the car and looked at the valley, we all were amused to see the beauty of this place. This place was awesome and was worth the 18 hours back breaking journey. Green lush meadows and all the trees had same kind of pink flowers. I wondered why this beautiful place does not attract much tourists.We started feeling cold and took out our jackets and approached a small dhaba (restaurant) across the road who apparently owns a guest house there too. Guest house was pretty cheap and had 2 double beds in a single room. So we booked only a single room. Room was basic and had solar electricity. This place was so remote that they did not had the electricity and neither your cell phones will work there. As this place was pretty remote and attracts few tourists who come here either for trekking or to visit Tungnath temple, highest temple in the world. I never heard of Tungnath temple but as I reached Chopta, I came to know that Tungnath temple is one of the five and the highest Panch Kedar temples.

We relaxed ourselves for a while and then went on a walk in moon light. Four boys, deserted road, mountains, moon light; ghost stories came out naturally. After walking in the moonlight adventure, it was 9 in the night and after a quite dinner, we all slept as we had to wake up early for trekking. 

I was the second one to wake up next morning at around 6am while other two were still dreaming about girls. I went outside our room and was astonished to see the beautiful sunrise. It was bit cold in the morning and I enjoyed the sunset with hot cup of ginger tea. Soon everyone was awake and we all got ready pretty fast and after a light breakfast, trekking begin at 8 in the morning. 

Chopta - Tungnath - Chandrashila track
Chopta - Tungnath - Chandrashila track
Chopta - Tungnath - Chandrashila, the track we were on to was beautiful and picturesque. We wore our jackets as it was bit cold and left for 4 Kms long track. We all were full of energy and were pretty excited for it. We enjoyed the view of lovely snow covered peeks at some distance and meadows as we passed by them. It looked like heaven and no wonder it is called mini Switzerland. In the winters, tracks and meadows are covered with snow, but as we went there in April; it was sunny but bit cold during mornings and nights. As we covered 1 km of track, we started feeling tired and wondered how are we going to cover rest of the 3 kms. We dragged ourselves as we imagined the beauty of the valley from the top. We reached mid way after sometime and stopped at one and only shop on the way which is managed by an old man who sells Maggi, chips, biscuits etc. The old man suggested us some local juice which is made from the same pink flowers which were all over in the valley, while he told us some stories/legends about the valley. We moved on further up the hill after refreshment and then air started getting colder and drier too. Our lips were too dry due to that and air was flowing at such speed that it felt like punch in the face, but we continued on the track.

Views on the way
After several stoppages and dragging ourselves, shining was back in our eyes as we saw our first destination a few steps away. We were filled with energy as we approached near and finally we were standing at Tungnath. I raised my both hands with smile on my face as I reached there like I have won a race competition in Olympics. Only thing missing was the cheering crowd. We relaxed ourselves and had some water which the priest of the Tungnath temple provided to us. Tungnath temple was closed as it only opens from June to September. Still we prayed for the peace and I did some photography and looked down the valley. I had never seen anything remotely beautiful to this. We all spent the most peaceful time there as it was a lifetime experience. It was so peaceful that you can only hear the air whispering in your ears. We all lied down on the lush green grass of the meadows and looked at the sky and enjoyed the peace. It was 1 in the noon and we decided to move further to Chandrashila which was 1 km ahead. Priest of the temple told us that track to Chandrashila is more difficult. "Well, let it be" we said and moved on to Chandrashila. As we started to move towards Chandrashila, it was actually quite difficult and air was even more drier. The speed of wind up there was so much that I felt like it is going to push me off the valley. That 1 km trek was the most difficult trek ever as we all climbed quietly. After dragging our bodies to the final destination, it was all worth it. The experience was just out of the world. We all stood there for few minutes quietly and looked at the the valley. I have no words to express those beautiful moments.

Tungnath Temple


It was time and we started to return back to Chopta. I was glad that atleast the climbing part was over. We continued our return and finally after all the fun, we reached our guest house and fainted on our beds.
Track to Tungnath
We woke up after 2 hours and were very hungry. We went to a small dhaba (restaurant) down the road and had dinner while ghost talks were back in action. 

We woke up next morning and me along with my one friend went for a walk while we did some photography and said Goodbye to the lovely valley.

This time we decided to not to do continuous driving and we chose to stop at Rishikesh for the night. As we reached Rishikesh and parked the car at our hotel, we noticed that our front left Tyre has given up. After all it went through a lot. We saluted the Tyre and asked a local mechanic to repair it. We spent the night exploring Rishikesh and hired a local auto and explored Lakshman Jhoola and Ram Jhoola. In the morning, we left for New Delhi and by the evening I reached my sweet home and relaxed on my lovely bed as I laid my head on my pillow. I was glad being at home, in my own city, felt awesome. "I like my sky" I said with the feeling of being at home and closed my eyes.


  1. This place looks beautiful. Some photographs are just breathtaking ! :)

    1. It indeed is beautiful....! A must go for a relaxing vacation.

    2. Puru & Himanshu : Buddy Please tell me the way to Chopta from Nainital. Kindly tell me urgently

    3. Deepanshu, I have no idea from Nainital, but you can certainly use Google maps to be more precise. Thanks!

  2. Himanshu...wud it be a good idea to drive to Chopta all alone (as a 18 hours journey on hills wud be very tiring) or hire a Taxi instead... What about the road ...hw is it as i am planning to go there these April or May .....

    1. Drive to Chopta is pretty hectic as roads aren't too good and yes, it will be very tiring. It will be good to hire a taxi instead. The place is absolutely amazing and beautiful with very few tourists. April will be bit cold there but it will be a good season to trek up to Tungnath and Chandrashila with lovely views.

  3. beautiful photos and nice humourous travelogue.

  4. Pls help. Let me know the accommodation available at Chopta. You may refer the acoomodation you stayed. I am afraid of rush at the month of May.

    1. There are lot of options available there, no need to worry about the rush.

  5. Thanks Himanshu.
    I was Not aware of this place,Now I decided to go to Chopta for My Next trekking Tour.
    Its really a marvelous Place.

    1. Thanks for your visit :) Chopta is indeed a very beautiful place.

  6. is winter season is god enough to go there???

    1. But i am planning to go there after 15 december . so please suggest me some essential winter tracking gears

    2. I would still say that roads may be closed due to extreme weather conditions!!

    3. You can certainly visit Chopta during the winters and can expect snowfall if you make the visit around the end of the month. This is the best time to have a un-interrupted and breathtaking views of the Himalayas. I have visited Chopta on the new year and this is how it looked then

      Note: Please note that some of the patches of roads on Rudraprayag-Chopta way are in bad shape after the June tragedy. You can instead visit Chopta from Chamoli side via Gopeshwar and Mandal.

  7. Very beautiful place! Nice write up.

  8. Hi Himanshu, lovely blog - thanks for sharing. I am planning to visit Chopta during 1st week of December. Please advice if any challenges owing to the climate. Many thanks.

    1. December will be too cold though but will be a different experience. You may encounter snowfall so be prepared.

  9. Hi Himanshu,
    Is 3-4 days enough for chopta trip, including to and fro travel from delhi. And is July a good time to visit chopta?

    1. I wouldn't recommend going there in July due to monsoon as it might be dangerous. Also, you may face lot of land slides on the way. I would suggest to go there after monsoon. Keep at least 5 days to enjoy it completely.

  10. hi ,
    i have planned to visit chopta from 4th Aug to 8th Aug , on my bike. any quality information will be helpful. first of all please tell me about petrol pumps.

    1. Hi, There are few petrol pumps on the way but not much. It is better to keep tank full wherever you can fill. Also, this is not a good time to go considering monsoon and you might face so many land slides.

  11. Hey! Please suggest if this is safe enough for two women travellers to go all by themselves. Also what are options to stay at and the ones to travel to if not cabs. Is there anything to stay at the Tunganath?
    We are planning this for next week. Please suggest.

    1. Yes, place is safe enough and there are lot of pilgrims as well who come to visit Tungnath temple. You will get cheap options to stay in Chopta itself and at Tungnath as well if the temple is open for pilgrims. We went in April and it was closed so we chose to stay in Chopta. From Chopta to Tungnath it is 2 hours trekking and it is beautiful. You can hire a horse to get you there. Please opt for a cab as there is no transport facility. unless you feel fine to travel in a local bus which operates within villages with huge time interval. Ir is best to get a cab for yourself. Since you have mentioned that you are planning next week, do check the weather as hilly areas are not recommended during monsoon, specially Uttrakhand, considering what it went through last year!

    2. what happened last year was a natural disaster! Even Kashmir experienced floods this year; it doesn't mean that one should not visit that place. natural disasters can strike anywhere, any moment. what happened last year need not be mentioned here!
      btw, UK is lush green during the monsoon. you may experience landslides on the way but they occur in all the hilly states, not just in UK. The place is the most beautiful during monsoons! A paradise in true sense.

  12. I am planning to travel in February. Is it a good time to vist the place? Do the hotels provide Geyser and Room heater and have electricty back up?

    1. February will be nice, bit cold but you will like it. I visited in 2010 and there were not many hotels. Rooms had solar electricity and no geysers. However, the hotels did provide warm water on per bucket price.

  13. Hi Himanshu, I'm planning to go there on the Xmas weekend. Could you please suggest the best travel option to get there?

    1. The best travel option is go by your own car or rather a taxi with an experienced driver who knows how to drive in hills as some stretches are not that great. Also, there may be snowfall and you may need an expert to handle car on such roads.

  14. Himanshu, I just want to know that Big buses can go to chopta or not?

    1. Hi Vishal, I don't think big buses will go there as roads are not that wide. Perhaps taxis or tempo travelers would be best.

  15. And is chopta is suitable for college students for a trip?

    1. I think you guys will love it and will be perfect.

  16. Beautiful captures... I am sure the physical stress of up-climbing is worth it if one gets to see beautiful, unspoiled nature.. Indeed its mini Switzerland.

    1. Yes, I agree. It's totally worth when you see so much beauty around and you just forget your pain.

  17. Hello Himanshu,
    I am going to drive my self on car. Is it safe?

    1. Yes, but the roads are not that great so be careful and drive safe!

  18. Hello Himanshu,
    I am planning to visit there on 8.4.15 with my wife and kid. is it save with family after flood in 2013. Please suggest some tips also.

    1. Yes, it is completely safe, don't worry and enjoy the trip.

  19. Hi Himanshu,
    How will be the first week of May would prove? Will there be accommodation issues as yatra season will be on?

    1. First week of May will be good, but as you have said there will be yatra season, there might be accommodation issues, plan in advance and you may try to get in touch with the locals there to ensure you get the accommodation. Most of the hotels are maintained by the locals in the area.

  20. In case my previous post did not make it through here it is again

    First of all beautiful pictures!!

    I am planning to go to Chopta from May 22nd to May 25th with my dad. I had a few questions.

    Would it be alright to take a bus from Delhi to Rishikesh and take a taxi from Rishikesh to Chopta? Or should I take a taxi from Delhi itself>

    Did you get a chance to see Rudraprayag and does it still have the platform where you can stand and see the 2 rivers?

    Do you think there would be any issues getting accommodations when we get there? When I google I only get camp which are a little expensive.

    Thanks in advance for the tips!!

    1. Well, first of all, thanks for visiting and glad you liked the pics. Now coming to your queries, I would take a taxi from Delhi itself considering it is a long journey and I will not want to tire myself by switching transports. this is my personal opinion. I went there in 2010 and yes, that time platform was there, I cannot comment on present scenario. As far as accommodations are concerned, I got local accommodation there in Chopta itself at very basic price with very basic facilities. The hotel/guest house was maintained by the locals and also at that time, there was no rush and rooms were unoccupied considering that Tungnath temple was not open for public. But anyhow, I do not think that should be a problem, but if you get a chance, try to find out numbers of the local guest houses there just to be sure!

  21. Hi Himanshu. how are the roads to this place during Oct? I am planning to visit there in the 1st week of oct.

    1. I believe roads should be OK, but keep in mind that the whole route is land slide prone.... so you will encounter patches where roads will be in very bad shape. Good luck and happy traveling!!

  22. Hi himanshu
    Which route would be best from Delhi to Chopta?
    Do we really need to hv bookings for hotel in advance?
    Any special precautions that we should take while self driving there from Delhi, in 1st week of September..!!?

    1. Hi Vikas, Thye best route will be Delhi to Haridwar and Rishikesh and then continue towards Augustmuni and finally Chopta. No need for hotel booking as there are quite a few lodges which will be available at a nominal price. Just be careful about the roads as they are not in a very good state due to frequent land slides. Drive safely and Happy Journey!

  23. Hi Himanshu.

    We are planning to go to Chopta during the 1st week of october.How will be the weather??

    1. Hi,

      First week of October will be good enough. Just ensure to carry few woolens as it will be bit cold.


  24. Planning to be at Chopta on 13 or 14 November 2015
    Will it possible to go to Tunganath

    1. Considering it will be winter up there, not sure if the trekking will be possible. Though you can still enjoy the views of the valley.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi m Serkar... I will be looking forward to your post on this thread now after your return from Chopta. I also planned my travel to this place from 12th-16th Nov 2015 but the same got cancelled for some family reasons. I am eager to learn about the present road conditions and how much time would to consume travelling from Rishikesh to Chopta.

      I also Thank Himanshu for such a prolonged Blog... Good work dear and thanks for all the info.

  25. hi himanshu .
    you are just fantastic in the narration of this trip .After reading you everybody wants to go there ,,,

    my question is .....

    I planning to go there next week .I want to go there by bike with my wife from rishikesh .Is it advisable and safe?can I drive bike normoaly in those hills area .?And also tell us the road conditions ...Pls suggest ..thank you

    1. Hi Amit, road trips are always a good idea, but they are bit tricky in hills unless you are a pro. Roads conditions are not so great to be honest and when we drove, our car's tyre got punctured, but we had a spare. In bike, you will be on your own. Also, there are frequent land slides so I would not advise bike for the journey specially when you are going with your wife. Car is better option for this area. Happy journey.

  26. hey! what about november?? its my birthday and i am planning to go.. will it be a good idea??

    1. Yes, but it will be cold and you will get to see snow covered mountains.. Travel safe!

  27. Hi Himanshu, thanks for all your inputs and I would like to know what places to see at Chopta especially Bugyal or so called meadows. I am going there at mid november 2015. How far is tungnath and chandrashila. Are meadows accessible and is it safe from wild animals like bears or snow leopards around this path to various green meadows. What are the name of these meadows or bugyals to visit and what are the distances to trek. please guide me as i have no idea about it. We are taking bus from Haridwar to Kund close to Ukhimath and then find some local transport to Chopta. Is it fine, please let me know... bye and regards.

    1. Hi Raj, I can provide inputs what I am aware of and have experienced. No clue about Bugyal, but I can tell about Chopta. Tungnath is situated above Chopta and is 1.5 hours trek with proper trek from there and Chandrashila is further ahead and route is not that great and very steep too. Since you are going in Mid November, The trekking I am not sure how feasible it will be as weather will be quite cold and windy as well. If cold is not an issue, then you are going to love it!!

  28. Yeah, cold weather and snow has never been an issue for me since I am from Dehradun and I love snowy cold climates. I have trekked many places but since Chamoli area is away I missed out on this. I am not sure if I am going to face snow fall during this period as I faced in Auli few years back. Can we get horses from Chopta for ladies or not I am not sure as I want them also to enjoy this climate and the region till Chandrashila...

    1. Hey Raj,

      I was there this September. They do have horses available at around Rs 400 per person. I would recommend starting a little early to avoid the brutal sun. The horses can go upto Tunganath and the trek to Chandrashila would have to be on foot. I would recommend taking it slow so you can enjoy the scenery like I did. Its a lovely place with a picturesque view.

      Hope this helps! And enjoy the trip.

  29. For all Himalaya Lovers......

    In a hundred ages of the gods, I could not tell three of the glories of Himalaya. As the dew is dried up in the morning sun, so are the sins of mankind by the sight of Himalaya. - The Skanda Purana.

    Thanks a lot Himanshu and friends for such an informative blog on this beautiful place. You already have experienced the beauty of God and I saute you for the same.

    1. Thanks Sunil for the kind words and I really wish you visit this place soon and experience the majestic views. Do not forget to share your experience with all of us :)

  30. hi
    i am from chennai. would it be better to travel to chopta via dehradun or through bus straight from new delhi . do the buses go straight to chopta or do i have to deboard at rishikesh or haridwar . how long does it take. because the information at google is quiet confusing. i am planning 7th to around 15 of december. thanks

    1. Hi Bala, Since I preferred my own car to visit Chopta, I am not quite sure. But as far as I am aware, there is no direct bus to Chopta from New Delhi. You might have to change the bus from Haridwar to get on your destination.

  31. Hi Himanshu,

    Thanks for your detail writings. Can you please suggest how I visit in december. Is it safe these days. Le me know asap. Thanks.

    1. Thanks, you have to be bit cautious due to winters and snowfall as well which might make drive bit difficult.

  32. Hey,
    I am going on December 27-jan 1st. Planning to goto Joshimath,Malari and Niti/Ghansali village for two days trek with expert guidance from a guide and back to Rudraprayag .
    How safe is the drive ? Can you tell me how many layers or types of clothes I might need? Will I need special shoes? Can a two wheel drive Scorpio do the terrain?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. We are also planning to visit chopta from 30 Dec - 3 Jan in a group of 4-5 ppl. Can you (Himanushu) please guide us?

      Hi "96%" - You can contact us @9871222845 (Ashish).

    2. Hi 96%,

      Since you are going at the time when you might experience snowfall, so you have to be careful while driving as roads turn slippery. As per clothing, 3 layers you will need at least. Thanks!

  33. Hi Himanshu,

    I am planning to visit Chopta during the 2nd week of Jan 2016. Do you think it is the right time? I want to mainly see Tungnath temple and Chandrashila peak and I am worried about the route access.
    I don't mind if the temperature is too cold but need to know if any of the visiting places may be closed due to weather. Also please suggest if I can get a buse ride from Jolly Grant, Dehradun to Chopta!

    1. Are you there???

    2. Well, as far as Tungnath temple is concerned, it will be closed in January and will re-open in summers during May or so. Thanks!

    3. Thanks so much buddy.!

  34. Hi,

    I am planning to go there in february mid, with 2 child(age-3 & 12).is it safe to go there.

    1. Hi Avishek, Since I have a 2.5 yrs old child, I can not think of taking him there as it will be too cold in February, I have been there in April and it was cold even then. I would suggest not and postpone your trip. Thanks!

  35. Dear himanshu ..i am planning to go chopta in february so can you guide me feb is the best time or i want to see snow as well....
    Waiting for your kind response...

    1. February will be cold and you may witness snow was well. Though the Tungnath Temple will be closed, but you can trek. Thanks!

  36. Your post is useful... We are going to devariya tal trek and chopta to tunganath.this April to see rhododendron flowers. We are 59 years is it safe. This is arranged trek. One friend went last year to tunganath she will be with us..

  37. Your post is useful... We are going to devariya tal trek and chopta to tunganath.this April to see rhododendron flowers. We are 59 years is it safe. This is arranged trek. One friend went last year to tunganath she will be with us..

    1. Yes, do not worry! The place is beautiful and locals there are very helpful and friendly too. I am sure you will have fun there. Have a safe journey!

  38. Hi Himanshu,
    After going through the pics and your blog, I am convinced that this is the place I'm looking forward to.

    Could you please tell me if March last would be good to visit this place.

    1. Yes, absolutely! Weather will be bit cold, but nothing to worry about, you will have fun. Enjoy your trip!

  39. do you think it makes sense to visit Chopta for 2-2 and a half days?

    1. Yes, that will be fairly good to cover nearby areas and trekking.

  40. Hy can anyone advise is it good to visit chopta now after the raging forest fire?

    1. I have no idea as I do not live there. You might want to check with the hotels by calling them.

  41. i am planning to go to Chopta coming weekend on 4th June, is this a good time as the monsoon is about to start. Also i am planning to take my Alto K10 on this journey, would this be a good idea?

    1. Monsoon its not going to be so soon, but yes it is raining in bits and pieces so weather will be pleasant, to be sure, call any hotel in Chopta and check for the weather. Alto K10 will be good for mountains as it is light in weight and is preferred in hilly areas. The drive is very beautiful but land slide prone. So drive safe and have fun.

  42. HI

    1. Hi there! I would suggest to avoid going there specially during monsoons as probability of landslides is high. Otherwise it is a beautiful and lovely place.

  43. Hi Himanshu Nagpal,
    Carefully read all your comments .Usually I don't get leave throughout the year except last week of December , for which i cannot plan Chopta-Tungnath during February to May. Since , you have already mentioned that Tungnath temple is closed on Jan and Feb, is it closed on December also (was planning a trip there on last week of December)??In that case , if i reach to Chopta also, then , can i experience snowfall ? Any idea of adverse weather condition which may hamper our local sightseeing in Chopta too (incase if i am unable to go to Tungnath and Chandrashila) ???
    Waiting for your valuable response

    1. Hey there, I am not sure about the temple being open in December or not but chances are less as it does snow in December which may hamper your plan. Best way to check will be to call nearby hotels and get that checked before hand. Since I am not a native of that place, I am not the right person to comment on the status exactly.

  44. I am planning to visit Chopta next week. how is the weather conditions during september is this the safe time to travel here?

  45. Me planning to visit chopta im mid november (next month) so is that right time to visit there i mean can we see snow on that time

    1. November will be a good time and if you are lucky, you will find snow :)

  46. Very beautiful snaps... I want to visit there once.

  47. Is it ok to go to Chopta in first week of January on bike. Anctually I wanna go there on Bike only. And how's the road condition?

    1. It will be very cold to go on bike but if you are ok with it, up to you. I visited in April and found it cold at that time as well. Roads are not that great due to frequent land slides in the area but that should not be much of a problem. Be safe and have fun.

  48. Hi Himanshu,I am planning to drive there this weekend. I have driven a lot in the sahyadris but not in the himalaya. Is driving there very difficult?

    1. Hi Rahul,

      If you have driving experience in the hills, then I am sure it will be fine, however, the roads are not always in great shape due to frequent land sliding in the area so caution is required and drive safely.

  49. Hi Himanshu , I am planning to visit chopta on 4 april . Will i find snow there and one day trip from Dehradun is possible or not if i start early morning around 3 in the morning.

    1. Hi Vishal, the chances are rare, but given current weather conditions, you might get lucky. I also went in April, but found snow which was leftover from last season. If you start early at 3am, you should be there by 9am depending on road conditions and land sliding. Have a safe trip and have fun!

  50. I am planning a trip to chopta for my colleagues from Mumbai in Aug last week of 2017.... pls suggest

  51. I am planning a trip to chopta for my colleagues from Mumbai in Aug last week of 2017.... pls suggest

  52. Hi himanshu , I am planning a trip to chopta via rishikesh in 15-20th dec. Is it safe to go there with girls and can we trek on that time...camping is there or not..??

    1. Yes, the place is safe and trek I doubt s it will be dependent on the weather

  53. i am planning to go there after 26 January . so please suggest me some essential winter tracking gears

    1. Hi there, If you are planning to go in January, prepared to face snow and might be able to see snow fall as well. Prepare yourself for such gear and weather.

  54. Hii its better to bee in october

  55. Hi! If anyone has visited there recently. ? May be ..roads are better now..Himanshu..did you visit there again..your description of that place attracts others to enjoy there..Thanks

    1. Hi Shakila, The roads will always be bad and under construction due to landslides that happen. Just drive safe and I am sure everything will be fine.

  56. Hi Himanshu... I along with my parents, spouse and 4 year old would like to visit Chopta and Tunganath in first week of Nov this year. Would it be safe with elderly parents and 4 year old? Is this the right time. Are there horses available feom Chopta for Tunganath. What are the options to stay at Chopta/Tunganath?

    1. Hi Swati, The place is safe and November will be a good time to go as well, weather will be bit chilly but you will definitely enjoy it. You will get horses there to travel to Tungnath. The options are the local guest houses there which are pretty basic but views are scenic.

  57. we are planning to going chopta in november ,tell me about wather and snowfall possibility..

    1. Weather will be chilly and you may witness snowfall.

  58. After reading this.. I decided to visit this place..Thanks for posting

  59. Hey!! I'm planning to visit Chopta in the first week of July. Can you tell me about the weather and your suggestion whether I should go or not?

    1. Just check for rains as roads can get really messy during rainy season. If its not, you will definitely enjoy!

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